Raising a child as a single dad

Raising a child as a single dad


We have all heard at least one story of a woman who is single but is tired of waiting to have a child or who doesn’t want a husband but wants to start a family on her own. But what about men who want to do the same thing? Plenty of men want to experience the joy of fatherhood without searching for the right woman. In fact, the number of single-father households has been rising since the 1970’s.


So what are the benefits of being a single dad?


First of all, you can maintain your freedom which means that you are still able to date, to further your career and to pursue hobbies. Also, you are the one making all the decisions in your child’s life, so you can ensure that he or she will be raised the way you would like. You are also the sole provider and caretaker of your child which can be extremely rewarding.


And what are the difficulties?


Although being a single dad is unbelievably rewarding, it can be stressful as well. There may be some questions you are asking yourself or concerns you may have if you’re considering being a single dad. You may wonder if you will be able to provide everything a two-parent household would be able to or if your child will feel a void in his or her life. Maybe you don’t know if you’ll be able to handle the time and emotional commitment being a single parent requires. Some other single fathers have provided some advice for other men who are considering being a solo dad.


Making time and keeping a schedule


One of the hardest parts of being a single dad is the time commitment. Balancing work, the kids, and a social life can be extremely difficult especially when there’s no one to lighten the load. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Having a schedule can be a very important tool in order to stay organized and maximize quality time with your child. Although sticking to this schedule can sometimes prove to be difficult, trying your hardest will be rewarding not only for you but also for your child.


Making time to spend with your child is very important. Even if you have a sink full of dishes or a phone call you need to make, take a timeout and spend some quality time with him or her. The dishes and other chores can usually wait until after they go to sleep. Your child will appreciate this extra time when they are the main priority.


Don’t forget to give yourself some “me time” as well. Being a single parent can be stressful and can take a toll on your personal life. Find a good babysitter, and give yourself the night off once in awhile!


Single parenting and gender roles


You may be worried that your child will lack an understanding of women or may miss a female role model in his or her life. Many single dads rely on close female friends or family members in order to fill this gap. However, many other single fathers do not feel as though their child is missing anything, and do not emphasize a female role in the family. It’s important to listen to your child and hear how he or she is feeling. If your child asks a lot of questions about women and mothers, maybe it’s a good idea for him or her to spend the day with their aunt.


Dating as a single dad


Dating can be very difficult for single dads as leaving your child can often cause guilt, and there is the added stress of the consequences of a new person entering his or her life. Use good judgement when it comes to dating. Don’t lie to your child, but he or she doesn’t need to know everything. It’s up to you when your child meets a new partner, but it’s a good idea to wait until you are sure that you are committed to each other.


It’s important to give yourself time to date, but make sure that your child doesn’t feel neglected or as if he or she is being replaced. At the same time, do not feel guilty about dating. Yes, you are taking some time away from your child, but it’s important that you are happy. If you aren’t, you and your child will ultimately suffer.


Being a father is a wonderful, rewarding experience that should be treasured. If you are a loving and caring man who can make the time to have a child on your own, there is no reason why you can’t do it. The joys of fatherhood cannot be underestimated, and any difficulties you may face are nothing compared to the love you feel when holding your child in your arms.