Raising a child as a single mother

Raising a child as a single mom


Many women yearn to be a mother and have a happy, loving family, but that doesn’t mean that every woman includes a husband in her dream. Perhaps she has not found “the one”, or maybe she wants to maintain her freedom. If you find yourself in a similar situation, and you want to become a single mother, you probably have many questions and concerns including the best way to raise your child, how to manage your time, as well as what are the benefits.


So what are the benefits?


The most sought-after benefit to being a single mother is the freedom it provides. You call the shots in your family, and you don’t need to compromise on what you think is best for your child. You also have the ability to pursue dating, focus on your career or your hobbies, and spend time with friends and family. Best of all, you will have an extra special relationship with your child that no one else will share.


Will I have time to be a single mom?


Being a single mom is time-consuming, no one will argue that, but if you prioritize and manage your time, you can have a rewarding work, family and social life. Designating work time, family time, and “you” time is very important. You also shouldn’t feel guilty for having a successful career or having a social life. If you are organized, you can fully enjoy quality time with your child without worrying about work.


Having a good babysitter is extremely important. You can’t be expected to be with your child all the time! If you know that your child is with someone you can trust and who your child likes, you will feel less guilty about having a personal life.


Can I date if I’m a single mom?


Absolutely! It’s one of the benefits! Being honest with your child is important, but he or she does not need to know everything. It is still your personal life, so share what you feel comfortable with and what you think is necessary.


Being honest with your partner from the beginning is important as well. We’ve all seen the movies where a character lies about having a kid, and it causes all sorts of drama. Don’t make the same mistake! Being upfront with your partner will show you if they’re worth pursuing and if he or she can be in a committed relationship (if that’s what you want).


Give yourself some personal time, but don’t overdo it. It’s important to have a personal and dating life, but do not neglect your child. He or she should not feel as though they are being replaced or are second-best.


Will my child miss out on having a father figure?


A child does not need a biological father in order to have a positive male role model in his or her life. Perhaps you have a father, an uncle, a brother or a close friend who would be able to provide a male perspective to your child.


Having a child is a rewarding, indescribable experience that should not be missed just because you do not have a significant other. Single motherhood is difficult, but the relationship you will form with your child will be completely unique and special. By managing your time and allowing yourself to be your own person, you can have a fulfilling, loving family life as well as a successful career and personal life.