How can alternative medicine improve my fertility?

Fertility problems are not a new thing, they have existed since ancient times and depend on an enormous number of factors that we are beginning to understand with the help of modern medicine. It is only logical that human beings, whatever their culture, after having dealt with these issues for centuries, have developed natural techniques to promote fertility since before the invention of modern medicine.

We are talking about a situation that makes no distinction between races or countries. When 1 in 7 couples in the UK have the same difficulties as 1 in 4 couples in Mexico we begin to see that this is a global issue. You could name any country and it would confirm this fact. According to statistics, in the United States, about 9% of men and 11% of women have experienced fertility problems at some point in their lives. Likewise, on the other side of the Atlantic, in Spain, the situation seems to be slightly more serious as 15-17% of the population has experienced the same situation.

In addition, when looking for viable solutions, in many cases, access to available assisted reproduction methods is difficult or simply unavailable because of the country’s degree of economic development or the eventual legal limitations that the government may impose. In addition to these contextual issues, there are others that involve costs, authorizations, requests, and even courts and long periods of time that can be discouraging for most people. But don’t lose hope, there is always another way of looking at things and why not, consider solutions that may even sometimes seem atypical to us. It is now that you can consider alternative medicine and natural therapies that aim to improve fertility and succeed in becoming pregnant.

Such techniques can also be an excellent option for those who do not wish to use drugs that may seem aggressive to the body or if you want to rely on both conventional and alternative medicine at the same time in order to put all the odds in your favor.

What are the techniques of alternative medicine?

Basically, these are natural therapies that aim to fight infertility by preserving and optimizing the ability to conceive. They can have two types of approach; the first one consists of enhancing and improving fertility by using natural remedies, while the second one seeks that we explore our own fertility in order to identify the ideal moment to achieve pregnancy.

Among the most common techniques we find:

  • Homeopathy: is a type of alternative medical system that seeks to stimulate the healing of the entire body through the use of natural compounds and is aimed at treating the causes of the disease rather than the symptoms. It claims to be able to heal the patient both physically and emotionally, which certainly contributes in the case of infertility because it addresses the root of the problem, which is often not clear from the very beginning. Compounds based on cuttlefish (for libido), sabine (in case of repeated abortions), aureum metallicum (for endometriosis), medorrhinum (erectile dysfunction) and selenium (sperm quality) are the most commonly prescribed.
  • Phytotherapy: Consists of the use of plants for medicinal healing purposes. It relies on the assumption that each part of the plant has a therapeutic quality. They are found in different formats such as elixirs, extracts, moisturizers, essential oils, tablets and capsules. Some of the plants used to improve fertility include common lady’s mantle (for the hormonal system and the uterus), Asian ginseng (for sperm count and motility), maca or Peruvian ginseng (improves fertility and libido) and dong quai (balances estrogen levels and increases embryo implantation rates). 
  • Acupuncture: This therapeutic technique of Chinese origin consists of inserting and manipulating needles in specific points of the body in order to restore and improve the general health of the body. Studies now suggest that its use leads to better success rates in embryo implantation in groups of women with fertility problems. This is apparently attributed to the fact that acupuncture improves blood circulation in the uterus, which in turn improves the condition of the endometrium.
  • Dietetics and nutrition: As its name suggests, it aims to find the right diet that the patient should follow to improve his fertility, taking into account all the aspects that surround him or that interfere with his life (work, diseases, age, family history). The advantage is that it can also be adapted for every other type of personal objective you have set yourself. You just need to check with an expert and explain the particular purpose of your consultation.

A few more techniques are gradually being added to this popularity list, for example:

  • Oligotherapy
  • Schüssler salts or therapeutic mineral salts
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Chiropractic
  • Midfulness or “full consciousness”
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Foot refloxology
  • Auriculotherapy
  • Psychotherapy techniques
  • Family constellations (a form of trauma group therapy)
  • Reiki or “therapeutic touch”
  • Aromatherapy
  • Kinesiology
  • Music therapy
  • Bach flowers (treatment with natural essences)
  • Among many others…

What are the effects of these natural therapies?

As we all know by now, the healthier your body is, the better the chances of getting pregnant are. These therapies seek to rebalance possible imbalances that may exist in the body due to the stresses and strains of everyday life. For example, maintaining reduced stress levels, eating a more balanced diet and getting better rest are things you can work on every day that are sure to have a positive impact on your fertility. It’s worth a try, there’s nothing to lose by trying and in fact you’ll be giving your body a better general health. 

Hence, alternative medicine and natural therapies benefit you in the following way:

  • It balances your hormonal system (in men and women) so that it contributes to the proper functioning of your reproductive system.
  • In women it contributes to improve the quality of the eggs and in men it improves the morphology and motility of the spermatozoa, as well as increasing their sperm count.
  • It reduces the symptoms of endometriosis
  • Increases sexual libido
  • It helps in regulating the menstrual cycle, which is very useful for calculating your fertility dates and for dealing with the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. 
  • It improves the general conditions of the uterus, particularly the endometrium, which is the place where the implantation takes place.
  • It reduces the stress and anxiety that are associated with infertility problems and assisted reproduction treatments.

However, keep in mind that none of these techniques is a substitute or replacement for conventional medicine. On the contrary, they can serve as a preliminary stage before resorting to professional help, or they can be a complement when getting involved in medical treatments. If you have any doubts, ask your doctor about the possibility of undergoing one of these natural and/or alternative treatments.

All of these methods are great ways to care for and understand your body in a much different manner than you are probably used to. They are useful for improving not only your reproductive health but also your overall well-being and with little or no side effects.