“I met your father on a dating website” – The Story of an Online Created Family

Creating a family in a completely traditional way is still relevant. Many singles dream of finding true love and getting married. However, modern family models are also gaining popularity. I myself was drawn to the idea of starting a family in a more practical manner. Indeed, I met the father of my child on a dating website, and not just any website! It’s dedicated to co-parenting enthusiasts. Let me share our story with you!

A Decision Born from a Heartbreak

“Everyone has a soulmate!” That’s what my mother kept telling me during my youth whenever we talked about my relationships with boys. After a few failed relationships that hurt me deeply, I thought I had found my soulmate towards the end of my college years. During our first encounter, there was that famous spark. Moreover, he acted like a true gentleman and turned out to be a caring, funny, and kind boyfriend.

But life sometimes throws us nasty surprises. He had hidden his true self quite well. My friends warned me about his two-faced nature, but I didn’t pay much attention to it until the day I witnessed his infidelity. This discovery caused a deep wound and shattered my belief in love forever. Since then, I gave up on love, or rather the idea of falling in love.

Four years ago, I felt the desire to become a mother, and the concept of co-parenting immediately appealed to me. I thought it was an obvious solution considering my failures in the romantic department.

Meeting the Father of My Child

Starting a family without being in a romantic relationship is the essence of co-parenting. At first, I found the idea a bit eccentric. The thought of one day saying to my child, “I met your father on a dating website,” terrified me. But after much contemplation, I decided to take the plunge. Why? Simply because it allowed me to have a child without risking another heartbreak. Here’s how it happened!

Discussing My Decision with My Family

Discussing the decision to embark on co-parenting with my loved ones was not easy, especially when they attach great importance to the traditional family structure. For my family, a child should grow up with a loving mother and father. It took them a long time to accept the situation. Fortunately, they didn’t stick to their initial stance because family support is crucial.

Registering on the Dating Website

Once the decision was made, the first thing to do was to sign up on a dating website dedicated to co-parenting. It was essential to choose a reputable platform to find serious co-parents. Moreover, it was crucial to carefully select the future father based on specific criteria, and they weren’t solely about physical appearance. While appearance is important since he would become the father of my child, there are far more critical aspects to consider.

First and foremost, his character and moral values. Emotional stability and socio-professional situation are also vital factors. As a potential biological parent, good health is a must. Finally, it’s safer to choose a co-parent who lives nearby and loves children.

The First Meeting

This is the most challenging step of the adventure, and yet, it’s of utmost importance. Meeting the future father of your child in an unusual context can be quite unsettling. Doubts easily creep in, and various questions arise. “Did I make the right decision?” “How can I be sure he’s the right person?” “Will the meeting go smoothly?”

My first date was not fantastic. It turned out that I didn’t pick the right candidate. The man I met wasn’t quite ready for the co-parenting journey; he seemed even afraid of becoming a father. I had to look for another candidate. During the second date, I found the perfect father for my child and an ideal co-parent.

The Course of the Meeting

I must say that we hit it off right away. It was easy to talk to him. We discussed various topics, such as raising the child, sharing parental authority and custody, and activities to enjoy as a family. As we got to know each other better, I discovered a responsible, emotionally balanced man who loves children.

My Co-Parenting Adventure

Once the decision was made, we established the co-parenting contract. After signing the document, our adventure began.

Conceiving the Child and the Birth

Of course, we opted for in vitro fertilization, and he was the donor. In other words, he was actively present throughout the process and provided support during the pregnancy. He also participated in preparing for the arrival of the little one, emotionally, materially, and financially. The birth of our son was a uniquely magical moment. We formed an ideal family where respect, trust, and harmony reign.

Sharing Parental Authority

Even without being a couple, having the father around during the first few months of the baby’s life is a real advantage. Cooperation is essential, at least until the child starts sleeping through the night. Fortunately, my co-parent decided to move in with me for a while, so I had the appropriate support and assistance. Cohabitation should not be a problem when the couple respects and gets along with each other.

When the father returned to his home, arrangements regarding child custody were put in place. Each co-parent must simply take responsibility and honor their commitment. However, we also shared enjoyable family moments. Every decision concerning the child was made in mutual agreement, which helped avoid conflicts. Today, I have a beautiful family.

Is Co-Parenting a Good Idea?

For me, co-parenting is a good solution. The child has a loving mother and father who take care of them. Even though our family is different from others, one thing is certain: my child doesn’t lack love, and that’s what matters most. However, to avoid problems, choosing the right co-parent is crucial. The idea is not to find a perfect partner since feelings don’t have a place in a co-parenting relationship.

Instead, it’s necessary to find the perfect father for your child. That’s why thoroughly checking the candidate’s profile before meeting is crucial. Moreover, it’s essential to get to know them well before embarking on the journey.