Strong and intelligent

his/her description
United States of America / Texas /
Categories : Genitor, Natural Sperm donor | Co-parenting by choice | Homosexual co-parenting | Start a family AND meet love | Single or divorced parent wants to rebuild a family |
Last connection : This month

Jewish Marine with a high IQ, solid muscle and skeletal structure. Former college athlete, great natural balance and agility. Past performance 2006: M, 3.68 GPA, HS Athlete, Soccer scholarship, currently working on becoming a Pilot. 2007: F, top 10 in her class, 4.0 GPA, highschool athlete, wants to become a surgeon, trying to get into med school. 2008: F, passed, accident 2009: M, 3.98 GPA, highschool athlete, took his Soccer team to State as a Freshman and was the MVP, wants to play soccer professionally. 2011: M, 3.9 GPA, competitive jazz band and math competition, UIL. 2016: F, tests across the board in the 4th & 5th grade level at the end of 1st grade. 2018: M, unknown, mother went to jail, grandmother refuses contact. 2021: M, shows amazing potential. 2025: yet to be written.

Hunting, fishing, camping, soccer, running, archery, rowing, reading, studying, building, farming, ranching, and rodeo.

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his/her description
Height : 183 cm
Weight : 102 kg
Eye Colour : Brown
Hair color : Brown
Hair length : half-long
Silhouette : Normal

You smoke? : NO
My role : Genitor or Future Dad (According to feeling)
Do you agree to a co-parenting with a couple of women? : YES
Do you want to keep contact with the child? : YES
Ready to start a family if feeling? : YES
I agree for a natural insemination : YES
I agree for semi-natural insemination : YES
Origin : European
I am ... : Single