Looking for a co parenting arrangement to start a family

his/her description
United States of America / Texas /
Categories : Genitor, Natural Sperm donor | Co-parenting by choice | Start a family AND meet love |
Last connection : This year

I've always wanted to be a mom. I've had such bad luck with mating I've truthfully given up on love. I still want children, so I've decided for myself that I want to be in a co parenting arrangement. I want to have my baby the natural way by my donor and have a co parenting arrangement to raise the child (s). We don't have to be in love or any we're not ready for. Just doing as the agreement says.

watching tv, writing, eating

Send him/her a message

his/her description
Height : 163 cm
Weight : 106 kg
Eye Colour : Brown
Hair color : Brown
Hair length : Normal
Silhouette : Round
